5 benefits of starting an online business

Ever thought about how to start an online business in Australia? Here are 5 reasons to do it, and the best way to start.

Wondering how to start an online business? Here are five reasons to make it happen. 

Starting an online business could be the gateway to the life you’re craving. 

If you’re reading this, chances are - you’re ready to level up your life. You want to live a life of purpose, reclaim your power, and discover the possibilities that live outside the 9-5. Perhaps you’ve wondered how to start an online business in Australia or beyond - but it feels overwhelming. Do you need a fancy business plan? A special degree or qualification? Some kind of business expertise? Thankfully, the answer to all of these questions is no. All you need is the desire to live by your design, and the right vehicle that empowers you to make it happen. 

Our world is evolving rapidly, as are the opportunities around us. Starting an online business is easier than ever before - and more beneficial, too. Here are five key advantages of having an online business, and how to start an online business of your own. 

1. More choice and more freedom to design a life of your choosing

Human beings aren’t designed to be stuck behind a desk, or stuck inside a home. Increasingly, people are looking for flexible work arrangements that allow a balance between work, home, and everything in between. Nothing can provide freedom and flexibility quite like running your own online business. When you work for yourself, you can build a life by design. You don’t need to ask permission or compete to take holidays, you aren’t at the mercy of an inadequate manager, and you don’t have to waste precious time and energy on thankless tasks. Instead - you choose your own hours, select your own mentors and business coaches, and decide on the education and development to pave your own path to success. 

2. With minimal startup costs, overheads and low risk - you’ve got nothing to lose

Many businesses require the production of items, a team of staff and a significant outlay of money to fund it all - before they even open for business. With the right online business opportunity, you can skip all of these risks. Our online business model requires no costly outlay, no pre-purchasing of products that you’re not even sure will sell, and no need to build or manage a team. It starts with a simple invitation, and thrives with an amazing online community. No staff, stock or rent. Grow your skill set by attending events online (or in person, if preferred!) and enjoy full license to be creative, take initiative, and live the life you’ve been craving. 

3. Improve your health and impact others

More than three-in-five Australians suffer from workplace stress, and long term stress is one of the biggest contributors to ill-health in the West. When you’re living by somebody else’s design and stuck in the 9-5 without passion or possibilities - your health and vitality suffer, as does your sleep. But it doesn’t have to be this way. By starting your own online business, you can design your schedule to suit your own work/life balance, work from any location you choose and enjoy the fulfillment of living a purpose-driven life. The best part? You can empower others to do the same. 

4. Work in pockets of time around your career, travel, study, and family

Time is the most valuable resource we have, and we believe that the time you spend working should be an enriching and valued part of your life, not something you endure and resent . When you have your own online business, you can work whenever you like - for any length of time that suits you. Whether you’re looking for something to supplement your current income, a way to fund your study or travel, or a work arrangement that complements your family life while helping you reclaim your personal power - with an online business, you can make it happen on your terms, in your time. It’s time to farewell sacrifice, and welcome a holistic way of living that balances career and kids, and includes financial abundance, health, travel, choice and freedom.

5. Build it anywhere in the world with your phone!

With your own online business - your purpose, power and possibilities are quite literally in the palm of your hand. You don’t need to sit inside a stuffy office chained to a desk, you don’t need to be stuck in an uninspiring environment at home - you don’t even need to be inside at all! All you need is a device with internet connection, and an appetite to make your life count. This means you can earn money from the beach, from the playground or even from a rooftop bar. It’s your business, and with the right tools - you can build it your way. 

Now that you know just how easy it is to build a business online - my question to you is this: Why not you, why not now? The most simple and most important thing you can ever do is back yourself - and just begin. Because the next five years are going to pass anyway, and it’s up to you to make them count. Say hello to more freedom, flexibility and better health.

Want to know how to start an online business in Australia and beyond? A life of freedom, fulfillment and abundance is easier to build than you may think. If you’re interested in starting an online business but don’t know where to start, find out about our opportunity here. Or, join The Elevation Hub - a breeding ground for personal and financial growth, lifelong friendships and infectious fulfillment where you can live, and not just exist. 

About the author

Lourene Bevaart is the definition of an over-achiever – a five time world karate champion, winner of Gladiators, and the personal trainer of choice for Russell Crowe and Shane Warne. As a health and wellness entrepreneur, she has risen to become one of Australia’s most successful network marketers. Now, she inspires others to escape the monotonous and mediocre – to unlock their purpose, reclaim their power and live a life of their choosing. 

Read Lourene's Story

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