5 life lessons from a world champion

Success is about self-belief, focus and that magic C-word. Here’s what I’ve learned as a world class athlete, single mum and entrepreneur.

5 life lessons from a 5-time world karate champion

Success is all about self-belief, focus and that magic C-word. 

When I look back on my life so far, it’s been a pretty wild ride. I’ve gone from the high of being a five time world karate champion to the low of being a broke single mum to the high of running my own health and wellness empire. Along the rollercoaster ride, I’ve learned a lot about myself and what true success looks like. 

Here are the five lessons that have helped me grow as an athlete, a mum and an entrepreneur. 

1. Consistency combined with hard work and determination will get you everywhere. 

When I attended my first karate class, there were 40 other students in the dojo. The instructor said, “Look around, only two of you will ever make it to a black belt.” I knew in that moment that I would be one of them. I’ve always been an incredibly driven person. That drive combined with hard work and consistency has helped me reach great heights as a world class athlete as well as an entrepreneur. 

Like most things in life, there are no quick fixes. If you want to get fit and healthy, you have to set goals, put in the work and stay consistent. The same goes for building your own business.

2. When you know your purpose and love what you do, results will come. 

You can have all the money in the world but if you wake up each day without a sense of purpose, you’ll never be truly happy and fulfilled. When I was pursuing all those karate world championships, I had a dream and a clear purpose. I loved what I was doing, I knew exactly what I wanted and I achieved amazing results. 

I’ve also experienced a high level of success as health and wellness entrepreneur. Why? Because my career represents who I am as a person and is linked to my deeper purpose in life – to create a healthier world and support others on their path to business ownership. 

3. Comparison is the thief of joy so keep swimming in your own lane. 

Comparing yourself to others can make you feel inadequate and deflated, especially if you’re someone who tends to engage in negative self-talk. When I was training for all those world championships, I learned not to waste energy wondering what my competitors were up to. I focussed on my own progress and that mindset has served me well as an entrepreneur.

When you start to doubt yourself, look in the mirror and say, “I am good enough. I deserve all the good things life has to offer. I am a warrior. I can do this.” Remember, you’re unique and you’re on your own path. 

4. Never relinquish your power and if you do, reclaim it. 

During my marriage I fell into the trap that many women do, I gave up my financial independence and allowed my husband to take control of the money. After my marriage broke down, I ended up on government handouts wondering how I was going to feed my kids. 

I had to claw my way back from rock bottom. I started teaching fitness classes but I knew that no paid job was going to help me create the life I wanted for my girls. When I started my network marketing business, I felt a spark reignite within me. I had a solution. I had hope again. These days I’m 100 per cent in control of my finances and my life. I’ve learned that financial empowerment is the highest form of self-care.

5. Just do! When you let go of the ‘shoulds’, incredible things happen. 

From a young age we’re told that we should go to university and get a stable 9 to 5 job. As a result, a lot of us end up unfulfilled and miserable – stuck in an office with limited earning potential, unable to spend quality to with our families, ‘too busy’ to prioritise our health and yet too scared to make a change. 

In order to become Glacier on Gladiators, I had to give up the security of a 9 to 5 teaching job. That decision led me to become personal trainer to Russell Crowe and Shane Warne. In order to get out of debt and create a great life for my kids, I had to seize the opportunity to start my own network marketing business. I’ve gone on to build an amazing career helping others and I feel more fulfilled than ever. I learned that when you stop playing it safe, life can get so much better. 

Another thing I’ve learned over the years is that one conversation has the power to change your life. In 2014, a friend rang me with a solution to the financial strife I was in. That phone call reignited my hope and changed the course of my life. 

If this article has made you realise that where you are isn’t where you want to be, let’s talk. Our conversation might be the thing that changes your life for the better. Book in a 15-minute chat with me and let’s start creating a life of your choosing. 

About the author

Lourene Bevaart is the definition of an over-achiever – a five time world karate champion, winner of Gladiators, and the personal trainer of choice for Russell Crowe and Shane Warne. As a health and wellness entrepreneur, she has risen to become one of Australia’s most successful network marketers. Now, she inspires others to escape the monotonous and mediocre – to unlock their purpose, reclaim their power and live a life of their choosing. 

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