Are you living a purpose-driven life?

Finding purpose in life isn’t as elusive as you might think. Answer these five questions to find out if you’re living a purpose-driven life.

How to know if you’re living a purpose-driven life

Have you ever wondered how to find purpose in your life? This might help.

The concept of living a purpose-driven life has gained a lot of momentum in recent years - and for good reason. When you know you have more to offer, or that you’re not making the most of your amazing potential - something inside you pulls. There’s a voice - an internal knowing - that you’re not on the right path. That there’s more to life than this. When you’re not living a purpose-driven life, your health, relationships and finances suffer.

Living with purpose looks different for everybody. It may be prioritising health, family, relationships, income, career or freedom. It may be having more choices for the ones you love. Or it may be combining all of the above, to forge a career that supports an independent lifestyle. Your life might be full with a loving family whom you adore, or a job that others envy - but you feel there is a missing piece.

Here are five questions to help you find out if you’re living a purpose-driven life.

1. Do you wake up with vitality and enthusiasm for your day ahead?

When you’re living with purpose, everyday is an opportunity to live your passion - so everyday is full of possibilities. A day lived on purpose feels energetic, exciting and underpinned by a real sense of joy. Of course, some days are stronger than others - we’re still human, after all - but when you’re living with purpose, your energy vibrates on a different level. You have healthy sleep habits, and wake up with energy, motivation and enthusiasm for what lies ahead of you - because you know that you are maximising your potential and making an impact with your precious time.

2. Does your work give you energy, or leave you drained?

We spend so much of our time working. Yet so many people go through life stuck in the mundane 9-5 cycle; bored or resisting change, too afraid to do anything about their situation. When you’re on the ‘hamster wheel’ - constantly on the back foot, working long hours just to keep up - it can feel like your job is sucking the life out of you. When you’re living a purpose-driven life, work is a source of joy. It doesn’t feel like work anymore. You’re using your skills and your time to add value to others in a meaningful way, without sacrificing your own health and wellbeing.

3. Do you feel powerful, or powerless?

When you’re simply surviving and not thriving with purpose - you give all of your power away to those around you. When you live with purpose - with this forceful energy - you know that you’re the boss of your life. You’re not a slave to your bank balance, your health, your boss, or other people’s opinions. You know that you are in complete control of your time, your energy, your INCOME- your life. You no longer suffer from stress, which has a serious effect on the body and is linked to a number of health issues. You’re not just surviving - you’re thriving.

4. Are your relationships alive and well, or under constant stress?

When you’re living life on the back foot or just existing, it’s extremely difficult to enjoy quality time and sustain healthy relationships. Energy levels are low, patience frequently wears thin and arguments happen more often. To live with purpose means to truly love what you do; to enjoy how you spend your time, and be grateful for the way you earn an income. In turn, you appreciate your loved ones more, and have more time and energy to spend with them. When your cup is full, you have more capacity to refill those around you.

5. Do you see life as full of possibility, or full of struggle?

When you live with purpose - you live with passion; with freedom. You don’t feel bound to a job you hate, held back by limited finances, or destined to constantly be selling yourself short. When you find that special something that reignites your spark, you regain your sense of self-confidence and self-belief, and you are naturally healthy and happy.

A purpose-driven life can be yours, if you choose to design it. If you want to know how to find purpose in your life but don’t know where to start, find out about our opportunity here. Or, join The Elevation Hub - a breeding ground for personal and financial growth, lifelong friendships and infectious fulfillment where you can live, and not just exist.

About the author

Lourene Bevaart is the definition of an over-achiever – a five time world karate champion, winner of Gladiators, and the personal trainer of choice for Russell Crowe and Shane Warne. As a health and wellness entrepreneur, she has risen to become one of Australia’s most successful network marketers. Now, she inspires others to escape the monotonous and mediocre – to unlock their purpose, reclaim their power and live a life of their choosing. 

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