5 Daily Habits to Boost Your Mood

A better mood leads to a better life; try these daily habits to improve your mood naturally

5 Daily Habits to Boost Your Mood

Need a quick pick-up to improve your mood at work and beyond? These simple habits will help. 

Improving your mood naturally can ignite your sense of purpose, power and passion - and improve your quality of life. 

In life, time is the most important and finite asset we have. Yet so many of us waste this precious resource feeling unmotivated, fatigued or generally unhappy. There are many factors that contribute to feeling ‘flat’ or ‘low’, including stress, low-quality sleep and poor health. When this is the case, our relationships, work and wellbeing suffer. But it doesn’t have to be this way. When our moods are elevated, we are productive, passionate, focused and brimming with purpose. We aren’t stressed or overwhelmed by challenges, because we know we have the capability - the power - to overcome them, and explore all possibilities. 

Whether you need to boost your mood at work, home or beyond; there are natural ways to improve mood that can not only make you feel happier and more fulfilled - but improve your overall quality of life. Here are five of my favourites:

1. Move your body 

There are a number of reasons to include exercise in your daily routine, such as increased energy, a lower risk of disease and maintaining a healthy weight. But exercise isn’t just great for your body - it’s also great for your brain and emotional state. When you move your body, you increase blood flow to your brain so that it gets more oxygen and nutrients - and it produces ‘happy hormones’ like dopamine and endorphins. In other words, an instant mood booster! Lifting weights or engaging in some form of resistance training is an excellent way to do this, but simple movements like walking, swimming or yoga are also effective daily habits to improve your mood naturally. 

2. Be present with loved ones  

Spending quality time with loved ones is not beneficial for your relationships - it’s beneficial for your mind and your mood. When you have positive and loving interactions with friends or family, your brain produces a neurochemical called oxytocin; also known as the ‘love hormone’. Like those ‘happy hormones’, oxytocin causes a surge in positive emotion and helps you feel relaxed and connected to others. Unfortunately, when we are stressed, tired or not in control of our life - quality time with loved ones is often the first thing we sacrifice. But it doesn’t have to be this way. When you choose to live by design, you can create a life of freedom that allows you to decide when, where and how long you want to work - allowing more quality time for the ones you love. 

3. Nourish your needs with sleep and hydration  

For our bodies, minds and moods to function optimally - we have to give them the right amount of fuel with adequate rest and hydration. If you don’t drink enough water your body will dehydrate, which leads to unclear thinking and mood changes. When you sleep, many important biological processes take place. Your brain declutters and stores new information, while your body restores energy and produces important hormones for our daily function. Poor quality sleep also increases the stress hormone cortisol and can slow down your metabolism, yet 60 per cent of Australian adults have trouble falling or staying asleep. If you’re one of them - there are a number of methods that can promote better sleep, including a wind-down routine and an early dinner.

4. Spend time in an energising environment 

There’s a reason you start to feel flat, uninspired or depressed when you stare at the same four walls each day. Experts have long known that the environments we spend time in play an integral role in our mental health and overall wellbeing, so it’s unsurprisng that office work has been linked to sedentary behaviour and a number of health issues. Thankfully, the 9-5 office days are over. Now - with the right business opportunity, and an appetite to make life happen for yourself, you can work from any location in the world, whenever you choose. Modern studies have found that stillness is a powerful tool in creating calm and focus - even a simple two minute meditation can promote a positive change in mood. Other techniques include going for a mindful walk, listening to the sounds, taking in the sights and practicing gratitude.

Whether you want to work from a scenic Airbnb in the mountains, a cafe by the beach or rent a house in the country (or, all of the above!) when you decide to make your life your own - your environment can be a constant source of energy and inspiration, instead of the opposite. 

5. Do something you enjoy 

Spending your precious, finite time on something you enjoy isn’t a luxury - it’s a necessity for optimum health and wellbeing. When you engage in an activity you enjoy, your brain produces less of the stress hormone cortisol, and increases serotonin levels - which is one of the best ways to improve your mood naturally. Enjoyment doesn’t have to be reserved as a treat for hard, stressful work - enjoyment can come from the work itself. With our business opportunity, you can take control of your time - and spend it doing what brings the most enjoyment and fulfillment to you. Whether you’re driven to prioritise your health and wellbeing, spend more time with those you love, create a life of financial security or reclaim your power and identity - we can empower you with the freedom to make it happen. 

Your days are too precious and too short to be wasted on poor health, low energy and bad moods. The power to boost your mood naturally and transform your physical and mental health - to evolve from existing to truly living - is entirely in your hands. The time - your time - is now.

Want to design a life that puts you in a good mood every single day? Find out how to work with me and make that happen. Or, join The Elevation Hub - a breeding ground for personal growth, value, impact and financial growth, lifelong friendships and infectious fulfillment where you can live, and not just exist.

About the author

Lourene Bevaart is the definition of an over-achiever – a five time world karate champion, winner of Gladiators, and the personal trainer of choice for Russell Crowe and Shane Warne. As a health and wellness entrepreneur, she has risen to become one of Australia’s most successful network marketers. Now, she inspires others to escape the monotonous and mediocre – to unlock their purpose, reclaim their power and live a life of their choosing. 

Read Lourene's Story

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