Female fitness motivation for 40 plus

As we get older, exercise becomes more important than ever (hello slow metabolism). Here are 5 reasons to stay fit and fabulous at 40 and beyond.

5 reasons to prioritise fitness in your 40s and 50s

The aim is not just to survive to a ripe old age but to thrive.

I recently met a woman who had launched what she called ‘Operation Fit Forty’. After 10 years of focussing on her kids and building her career, she found herself 25 kilos overweight, unfit and with early signs of fatty liver disease. On her 40th birthday she decided enough was enough. Within 12 months she lost all 25 kilos, went from sitting on the couch to running 9 kilometres and got a clean bill of health from her doctor. She felt better than she had in years and motivated to prioritise her health into her 50s and beyond. She gets a massive high five from me. 

As we approach our 40s, our bones start to lose density while our muscle mass and metabolism start to slow making it more important than ever to prioritise our health and fitness. And yet this is a time when so many people, women especially, spend all their time looking after everyone else. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

Here are five reasons you should focus on being fit and fabulous at 40 and beyond.

1. You’ll have more energy to enjoy life. 

The fitter you are, the more energy you’ll have, and the better you’ll be able to cope with the demands of day-to-day life. You’ll also feel more motivated to get out there and do things that make you happy like building your own business, catching up with friends and immersing yourself in nature. 

2. It’ll help you maintain a healthy weight. 

When we hit 40 our metabolism starts to slow down making it harder to maintain a healthy weight. A consistent fitness regime that incorporates resistance training will help you burn calories and increase your lean muscle mass. 

3. It’s good for your brain and emotional state.

Exercise increases blood flow to your brain exposing it to more oxygen and nutrients. This helps keep your brain cells healthy and supports memory function. When you exercise your body also produces ‘happy hormones’ like dopamine and endorphins.

4. You’ll cope better with the upheaval of menopause.

Women become menopausal from 45 with the average age in Australia being 51. During this time, you might experience mild depression, anxiety and irritability. Regular exercise can help control these emotions and provide a sense of relaxation and wellbeing. Studies also indicate that exercise may help reduce hot flushes and night sweats. 

5. You’ll be able to give illnesses and diseases a swift right hook. 

When you’re enjoying your fabulous 40s or fantastic 50s, you don’t have time to get sick. Exercising for as little as 30 minutes each day can decrease your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia. Exercise also helps flush bacteria out of your lungs and airways to reduce your chance of getting the flu or the common cold. 

As we get older, we tend to exercise less when we should actually be exercising more. Physical activity has a big impact on our overall quality of life. If we take the time to look after ourselves in our 40s and 50s, we’ll still be kicking up our heels and having a grand old time well into our 80s and 90s. The aim is not just to survive to a ripe old age but to thrive and make the most out of every day. 

I love talking about all things health and fitness. As a five time world karate champion and former personal trainer to Russell Crowe and Shane Warne, I’ve got a fair few stories and strategies to share. If you have an upcoming event that aims to inspire women to get and stay healthy, I’d love to be involved. You can check out my speaking topics or book in a 15-minute chat to start planning an event to remember. 

About the author

Lourene Bevaart is the definition of an over-achiever – a five time world karate champion, winner of Gladiators, and the personal trainer of choice for Russell Crowe and Shane Warne. As a health and wellness entrepreneur, she has risen to become one of Australia’s most successful network marketers. Now, she inspires others to escape the monotonous and mediocre – to unlock their purpose, reclaim their power and live a life of their choosing. 

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